This privacy policy relates to Daily Steps ('Daily Steps', the 'App', or the 'Application') which is available on the iOS App Store, along with any relevant API, server component, or website. This privacy policy is applicable to all uses of Daily Steps. It applies to any and all data collected by Daily Steps. The privacy policy may change over time, and the most recent policy can be viewed here.

App analytics

We collect anonymous usage statistics with the help of our analytics provider - Telemetry Deck. No data taken from HealthKit, or entered into Daily Steps, is captured via analytics. We capture general usage information including but not limited to what tabs are visited, which features are used, and which settings people are using, along with website page visits. We have chosen Telemetry Deck as their values and focus on privacy align with our values on privacy, and how we believe anonymous usage statistics should be collected in an applications. You can read their privacy policy here. Anonymised opt-in data may also be collected and provided by Apple, as part of the app being hosted on their store.

Electronic contact

When you contact us electronically by means including but not limited to email, web form, and social media, we have access to your name, email address, and any other information that is contained within the message. When contacting us via the app, some metadata is pre-filled in the body of the email. This metadata is used to help diagnose or fix any issues, and may give us clues as to why you're experiencing an issue. Should you not wish to share this information, or if it isn't relevant to your contact request, it can be deleted from the email body before sending. Deleting it prevents the metadata from being shared with us.

Health data

Daily Steps request access to HealthKit data from your mobile device to function correctly. It is required to use the app properly. At any time the user can choose to restrict Daily Steps' access to any HealthKit data type. If Daily Steps is denied access, it has no way of viewing this data. Daily Steps does not capture or store this data anywhere even when access is granted, so revoking permissions is enough to ensure Daily Steps has no access to any of your Health data.

App preferences and settings

When you change or modify a preference or setting in Daily Steps, this preference is stored locally on your device so that the app remembers it the next time it is launched. This data is stored locally, and some preferences may also be shared between devices - e.g. between your iPhone and Apple Watch.


If you have any questions, or would like to clarify something, please get in touch through this link.